The unidentified developer created a web application named Stonk O tracker which claimed to enjoy the stock market. Reddit Twitter and YouTube have all been flooded with “meme stock” buyers. Many people called the tracker “a website for apes, made by them”
AMC Stonk
The first thing you’ll see is a bar of orange text that says “Stonk Time in 7 hours, 19 minutes, and 54 seconds”. This one’s easy to understand: it’s a timer for the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Look just under that bar on the left. The NYSE charges $12.78 in a section. AMC stock was that expensive during the New York Stock Exchange’s closure. SSR is also an acronym for the “opportunity-uptick rule”, which stands for a “brief sales restriction.”
The standard protects against relentless short selling by prohibiting shorts if the stock price has fallen by at least 10% from its previous trading day. The SSR inside is about $11.50 which is ten times less than AMC’s NYSE fee of $12.78. Stonk-O-Tracker’s “FRA”, or Frankfurt Stock Exchange Fee, is the charge for Stonk-O-Tracker AMC shares traded.
FRA, Europe’s biggest stock exchange is displayed in euros. Stonk-O-Tracker may have a phase called “Calls Expiring ITM”. This phase shows the number of AMC name options that were “In The Money”, on a certain date. Most people call name options by their names. This allows an investor to find a date that is favorable for a certain percentage for a set fee.
Stonk O Tracker Indicator:

If the date is reached, then you will pay less than it would be to purchase that percentage in an open market. Funds contain the owner. Could maintain the distinction. Stonk-O-Tracker tells AMC and GME traders the amount of stocks each company can borrow quickly.
Short sellers pretend to borrow shares from brokers, then wait for them to drop in price, before selling the stocks back to their broker at a profit.
Stocks that are close to being depleted will have a lower amount available for borrowing. As shown in the below image, at the time of the distribution, AMC stock was required. Listen to the author of Stonk-O-Tracker. Interactive Brokers gives the number of shares that you can borrow. It is the best way to show the amount of stock that you can borrow from Interactive Brokers. This is a good indicator, not only of borrowing stocks but also of their total number.
Direct Registration System allows shareholders to register their GME or AMC stock without going through a broker. Many shareholders are trying to stop quick-sellers from taking control of the store.
GME and AMC will only use DRS when it’s sufficient. The stock rates will be much harder to lower for market makers.
These are the metrics of “Tits Up-Tracker”, a video display unit:
Reverse Repurchase Agreements, also called RRPs or Reverse Repos and “US Daily Treasury statement” are metrics that indicate the use of the Overnight Reverse Repurchase facility of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. This facility allows the bank to use securities on its balance sheet to obtain more cash from the ATM before returning the device the next day.
Stonk-O-Tracker claims that it does not seek financial gain. He asks for contributions to pay operating costs. “I’m doing well at the moment, but if it explodes as the inventory does, then it may be difficult to continue,” says he.
The End
PayPal allows donations with the guarantee that the money will be “donated to a charity”, beyond walking costs. For the average investor who is not always able to stay up-to-date with trends and statistics, but has an account worth approximately $1500, this can be very helpful. Online websites can sometimes be confusing.
Before we go into detail, it’s vital to remember that the Stonk-O-Tracker was the subject of much debate. Even if the Stonk-O-Tracker is accurate, it’s important to understand more about what you are buying before spending money.